M-Star Projects Handle ‘Small’ Gas Module in the Netherlands
M-Star Projects recently handled a ‘small’ gas module in the Netherlands as part of the Perenco Southern Hub Area Rationalisation Project (SHARP).
The shipment was handled from the supplier right up to the site delivery at Flushing Port. The cargo involved a gas module plus an air column and additional parts with specifications as follows:
- Gas Module: 9.85 x 4.50 x 9.50m / 34.6tn
- Air Column: 7.20 x 4.75 x 5.20m / 10.8tn
- Additional Parts & Spares: 560cbm / 120tn
Their scope of services included:
- Transportation from the supplier by SPMTs – 2 x 12-axles;
- Jetty port handling and shipment on dedicated barge vessel;
- Receiving, handling at POD (Flushing Port) with delivery next to oil platform;
- Full documentation, removal of road obstacles, road permits & escorts;
- Pre-surveys, cargo inspections & lashing on the barge.
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