Paolo Federici of Fortune Italy Plays Another Song at our Latest Zoom Gathering!

We would like to thank everyone who took part in our 3rd Zoom get-together. At the end of the meeting, Paolo Federici of Fortune International Transport in Italy played another song for PCN Members – his version of ‘Let it Be’ – click here to see it! What a fantastic effort by Paolo to keep our spirits up … did you see that his first song was featured in HLPFI’s Friday Flyer?

We also heard from Rajesh Damodaran of Polaris Shipping Agencies (UAE) who spoke about Prudence Insurance who are covering several exposures including trade receivable defaults/delays in the wake of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Please click here to learn more including some facts, figures and business impacts caused by Coronavirus. It may be time to review your business insurance policies in the wake of these increased risk exposures and ascertain whether your current insurance program caters fully to your needs.

We have scheduled another general Zoom gathering for those who wish to join us on Monday 11 May at 11:00 (London time). Please email Rachel for details.

Finally, please feel free to issue our latest eZines via email to all your staff:

Please click here to view the full article on our official website.

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